TETRA / Airwave Interference Studies – London Plan Policy 7.13

We provide TETRA / Airwave interference surveys to assist developers and planners discharge planning conditions and meet the requirements of associated S106 agreements with respect to proposed developments adjacent to local police stations and other public use areas (e.g. Wood Lane, White City, Shepherd’s Bush & Westfield). The majority of this work is conducted in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (Shepherd’s Bush Police Station) and Southwark (Walworth Police Station). A typical planning condition may state;
Airwave Interference Study

Prior to commencement of development within each relevant Development Plot hereby permitted (excluding Demolition, Ground and Enabling Works) the following details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:

(i) The completion of a baseline Airwaves Interference Study (the baseline Study) to assess Airwave reception within / adjacent to the site; and

(ii) The implementation of a Scheme of Mitigation Works for the purposed of ensuring nil detriment during the (Demolition Works and Construction Works) identified by the baseline study. Such a Scheme of Mitigation Works shall be first submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to occupation and shall thereafter be permanently retained in this form.

To ensure that the existing airwaves reception is not adversely affected by the proposed development, in accordance with Policy 7.13 of the London Plan (2016)*, Policy BE1 of the Hammersmith and Fulham Core Strategy (2011) and Policy DM G1 and DM G2 of the Development Management Local Plan (2013) and Policies DC1, DC2 and DC3 of the Local Plan (2018).

TETRA Airwave RSSI Levels - Walworth Police Station

* – Policy 7.13 Safety, security and resilience to emergency



A  The Mayor will work with relevant stakeholders and others to ensure and maintain a safe and secure environment in London that is resilient against emergencies including fire, flood, weather, terrorism and related hazards as set out in the London Risk Register.

Planning decisions

Development proposals should contribute to the minimisation of potential physical risks, including those arising as a result of fire, flood and related hazards. Development should include measures to design out crime that, in proportion to the risk, deter terrorism, assist in the detection of terrorist activity and help defer its effects.

LDF preparation

C  Boroughs should work with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, the Metropolitan Police service, the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority and other agencies such as the City of London Police and the British Transport Police to identify the community safety needs, policies and sites required for their area to support provision of necessary infrastructure.

Supporting text

7.45  The London Resilience Partnership maintains the London Risk Register[1]. New development should incorporate fire safety solutions and represent best practice in fire safety planning in both design and management. The London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) should be consulted early in the design process to ensure major projects and venues have solutions to fire engineering built-in. Flooding issues and designing out the effects of flooding are addressed in Chapter 5.

7.46  Measures to design out crime, including counter terrorism measures, should be integral to development proposals and considered early in the design process[2]. This will ensure they provide adequate protection, do not compromise good design, do not shift the vulnerabilities elsewhere, and are cost-effective. Development proposals should incorporate measures that are proportionate to the threat by way of the risk of an attack and the likely consequences of one. New development should incorporate elements that deter terrorists, maximise the probability of detecting intrusion, and delay any attempts at disruption until a response can be activated (see also Policy 7.3 on designing out crime). Consideration should be given to physical and electronic security (including detailed questions of design and choice of material, vehicular stand off and access, air intakes and telecommunications infrastructure). The Metropolitan Police should be consulted to ensure major projects contain appropriate design solutions, which respond to the potential level of risk whilst ensuring the quality of places is maximised.

[1] for further details see http://www.london.gov.uk/mayor-assembly/mayor/london-resilience

[2] Home Office and Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), Safer Places: a counter Terrorism supplement. 2009

Contact us on 01926 744771 to discuss your requirements