Advanced and high-quality communications infrastructure is essential for sustainable economic growth. The development of high-speed broadband technology and other communications networks plays a vital role in enhancing the provision of local community facilities and services. For example, in Manchester, when submitting a planning application, a broadband connectivety assessment is required, along with the standard TV and radio reception impact study. We provide these reports for construction companies, property developers and architects.
Manchester – Manchester City Council (MCC), “Full, Outline,
Reserved Matters & Variation/Removal of Conditions Planning
Applications – Is Your Application Valid?”, September 2018, MCC
Reserved Matters & Variation/Removal of Conditions Planning
Applications – Is Your Application Valid?”, September 2018, MCC
Broadband Connectivity Assessment
new build residential developments must incorporate measures to
facilitate digital connectivity for all new build residential properties
having regard to the Data Ducting Infrastructure Guidance produced by
the Department for Communities and Local Government. (Section 10 NPPF)
new build residential developments must incorporate measures to
facilitate digital connectivity for all new build residential properties
having regard to the Data Ducting Infrastructure Guidance produced by
the Department for Communities and Local Government. (Section 10 NPPF)
To support planning applications in Manchester, Bristol and throughout the UK, we provide broadband connectivity assessments for new development.
Contact us on 01926 744771 to discuss your requirements